Child Custody

Atlanta Child Custody Lawyer

Keeping Families together through Relentless Advocacy

You’re going through a painful divorce. First, you have to handle the emotional trauma of leaving your spouse. Next, you have to worry about who will get the children. That uncertainty about who will get child custody is keeping you up at night.

Your Atlanta child custody lawyer will give you the support and guidance you need in a tough child custody battle. They understand the pain and uncertainty you’re experiencing. They’ll fight hard in family court for your child custody rights.

How Georgia Child Custody Works

Georgia state law includes two types of child custody:

  • Physical custody refers to the parent whose home the child usually resides. For instance, if your son lives with you most of the time, you have physical custody.
  • Legal custody concerns the rights of both parents to decide about a child’s schooling, healthcare, and religion.

If you get joint custody, the child lives with both parties on a rotating basis. For instance, you can get a custody agreement in which the child spends 70% of the time with you and 30% with your ex-partner. The parent who has the child 70% of the time has primary custody.

An image of a girl contemplating the divorce of her parents.

Why you need an Atlanta, Georgia Child Custody Lawyer

Most child custody matters are settled without going to court. However, if the parents cannot reach a custody agreement, it must be decided in a family law court. Having an experienced Atlanta child custody lawyer fighting for your rights is essential to obtaining the best result.

A parenting plan will outline the child custody arrangement. First, your attorney will advocate for your rights, so you can see your children and be as involved as possible in their lives.

Typical features of a parenting plan include child custody details, physical and legal custody parameters, and contingency plans.

Child Custody Details

If you and your estranged spouse agree to joint custody, the plan will outline the holidays and weekdays each person may take with the children. There also will be details about where and how the kids will be handed over to the other party.

Physical And Legal Custody Parameters

If you share legal custody, neither party can decide solely on important matters like education, healthcare, or religious upbringing.

Contingency Plans

What happens if the other parent moves to another state? What kind of relationship will the kids have with your ex-spouse’s new partner? What should each parent provide financially?

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